Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Should the right to have an abortion remain solely with the mother Essay

Should the right to have an abortion remain solely with the mother - Essay Example When viewed from opposite perspective, it is clear that in certain situations, abortion becomes necessary to maintain the physical or mental health of the woman, whose circumstances are not favourable for giving birth to a child. Since the ‘origination’ of humans in the form of men and women, stereotypical and realistic views about the role and rights of the women are always being discussed. In most of the cultures, women are being treated as the less-dominant sex, and stereotyped as individuals, whose only purpose in life is getting married and delivering children. Although, women are trying to nullify these views and are still fighting for their rights and freedom, there have been only modest successes. Women’s rights relating to the activity of abortion is a crucial at the same a controversial one. Although, there is opposition from various sections, regarding ‘women’s choices’ in relation to abortion, the basic fact is the decision to have a child or not, should entirely lie with the woman. Also, in certain situations, abortion becomes necessary to maintain the physical or mental health of the woman, whose circumstances are not favourable for giving birth to a chil d. So, this paper taking legal and political perspective will discuss why the woman or mother should only have the right to abortion. Abortion is the process of destruction or termination of the foetus, when it is in the mother’s womb, either spontaneously or by induction within 20 weeks of pregnancy. According to the standards of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, a woman can obtain an abortion up to 24 weeks of pregnancy, if two doctors agree that it would cause less damage to her physical or mental health than continuing the pregnancy. (rcog.org.uk, 2004). Abortion is of two types - Spontaneous abortion and induced abortion. Spontaneous abortion is the one that occurs

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